Look at the theatre notice board and complete the gaps with must or mustn"t.

You 1) _____ be on time.
You 2) _____ leave your outfit at the cloak room.
All the electronics 3) _____ be switched off till the
end of the performance.
You 4) _____ talk during the performance.
You 5) _____ put your feet on your seat.
You 6) _____ clap at the appropriate time.
You 7) _____ drop rubbish on the floor.
You 8) _____ leave your seat until the performance


Ответ дал: Resderdz

Ответ: must: 1); 2); 3) . Mustn’t: 4); 5); 6); 7); 8)


You 1) must to be on time.

You 2) must leave your outfit at the cloak room.

All the electronics 3) must be switched off till the

end of the performance.

You 4) mustn’t talk during the performance.

You 5) mustn’t put your feet on your seat.

You 6) mustn’t clap at the appropriate time.

You 7) mustn’t drop rubbish on the floor.

You 8) mustn’t leave your seat until the performance


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