помогите пожалуйста
1. If she had been with us that night, we _
(be) very happy.
2. If I _ (be) rich, I
(travel) around the world, but I'm not.
3. What will you do if you (meet) Yegor Krid in the street?
4. If you
(eat) red foods, you can be more active.
5. She would have fantastic eyesight if she _ (eat) more carrots.
6. If you heat water, it _
7. If she (be
(be) a cook, she would have prepared some delicious
8. If you (drink) all that coke, you'll feel bad.
9. Kids won't go the party, unless they _ (do) the washing up.
10. If I (have) enough time, I could make breakfast.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1 would have been

2 were-would travel

3 meet

4 eat

5 ate

6 had been

7 drink

8 do

9 had


sofia500oydx1v: спасибо
Juliyasha11: Пожалуйста
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