3 Complete the sentence with Past Simple or Present Perfect. Поставь смысловой глагол в правильную грамматическую форму Past Simple или Present Perfect. Например: 0 …you…(sleep) well yesterday? Образец ответа: 0 Did you sleep well yesterday?

1 I …(just/tidy) up my room.

2 We…(watch) a DVD yesterday.

3 …you….(ever/shake) hands with cartoon characters?

4 I…(never/see) a robot.

5 She…(not/eat) candy floss last Sunday.

6 …he…(visit) his sister last Monday?

7 We …(not/see) this horror film a week ago.


Ответ дал: Аноним

1 I have just tidied (just/tidy) up my room.

2 We watched (watch) a DVD yesterday.

3 Have you ever shaken (ever/shake) hands with cartoon characters?

4 I have never seen (never/see) a robot.

5 She didn't eat (not/eat) candy floss last Sunday.

6 Did he visit (visit) his sister last Monday?

7 We didn't see (not/see) this horror film a week ago.

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