Третий тип условных предложений.
Раскройте скобки.
1.If he (to study) harder, he (to pass) his test better then.
2.If we (to begin) the work earlier, we (to have) more time.
3.Lena (to buy) the milk if she (forget) about it.
4.They (not to get) into that accident if Jim (not to drive ) so fast.
5.The dogs(to get out) if the door (to be) locked.
6.If Jenny (to ask) me about the matter I (to answer) all her questions.
7.I (to call) the police if I (to see) those robbers again.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1 had studied-would have passed

2 had begun- would have had

3 would have bought-hadn't forgotten

4 wouldn't have got-hadn't driven

5 would have got out-hadn't been locked

6 had asked-would have answered

7 would have called-had seen


Ответ дал: Аноним


1.If he had studied harder, he would has passed his test better then.

2.If we had begun the work earlier, we would have had more time.

3.Lena would has bought the milk if she had forgotten about it.

4.They wouldn't have got into that accident if Jim hadn't driven so fast.

5.The dogs would have got out if the door had been locked.

6.If Jenny had asked me about the matter I would have answered all her questions.

7.I would have called the police if I had seen those robbers again.

Аноним: 3 would have bought - hadn't forgotten
Аноним: или wouldn't have bought - had forgotten
Аноним: has не используем
Аноним: Спасибо
Аноним: но исправить не могу
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