Помогите пожалуйста открыть скобки.
1. While Bob __________ (drink) tea, his cup fell and __________ (break) into pieces.
2. Jenny and Kate ___________ (buy) souvenirs while their parents ___________ (visit) a museum.
3. Sam said “Good bye!” and __________ (leave) the house.
4. Children ___________ (listen) to music when I _________ (call) them.
5. I ____________ (do) my project all evening yesterday.
6. Alice ____________ (sit) on an armchair and Mark ___________ (read) her a book, when
suddenly they __________ (hear) a strange noise.
7. _______________ (you\write) a letter at 11 PM yesterday?
8. He _________________ (find) his keys two days ago.
9. I __________________ (not\ feel) well yesterday.
10. ________________ (she\buy ) the car last year?


Ответ дал: SolomonovArchip334


1. was drinking, broke

2. bought, were visiting

3. left

4. were listening, called

5. was doing

6. was sitting,was reading, heard

7. Were you writing

8. found

9. didn't fell\ wasn't feeling

10. Did she buy  

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