This burger tastes _______________.
- good
- well
She's a _______________ teacher.
- good
- well
He moves pretty _______________ for a big guy.
- good
- well
It's a _______________ place to visit.
- good
- well
He's 76 years old, and he can't see _______________.
- good
- well
I can't come into work today. I don't feel _______________.
- good
- well
- both, but "good" is better
- both, but "well" is better
Arsenal played _______________ last night.
- good
- well
You need to speak _______________ if you want to be a politician.
- good
- well
They're not _______________ at math.
- good
- well
I saw a movie yesterday. It was pretty _______________.
- good
- well


Ответ дал: oaoaoaoaoaoaoaooaoa

1. Well

2. Good

3. Good

4. Good

5. Well

6. Both but “good” is better

7. Well

8. Well

9. Good

10. Good

Good - какой

Well - как

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