Choose the correct options.
1. Marconi invented/travelled the wireless in 1896.
2. The car closed/stopped because the light was red.
3.He asked/talked me a question and I worked/answered him.
4. I phoned/listened my mother last night on Skype and she talked/studied a lot.
5. She answered/liked the programme on TV.
6. I closed/worked the window because it was cold.
7. They liked/worked from nine to five.


Ответ дал: R0wenZ


1. Invented

2. Stopped

3. Asked; answered

4. Phoned; talked;

5. Liked

6. Closed

7. Worked


Ответ дал: neznaua29


1. Marconi invented the wireless in 1896.

2.The car stopped because the light was red

3.He talked me a question and I answered him.

4.I phoned my mother last night on Skype and she talked a lot

5.She liked the programme on TV.

6.I closed the window because it was cold.

7.They worked from nine to five.


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