ПОМОГИТЕ!ПОСТАВИТЬ В ВОПРОСИТЕЛЬНУЮ И ОТРИЦАТЕЛЬНУЮ ФОРМУ!!!!!!! 1)Houses are built very quickly now. 2)This work will be finished tomorrow. 3)The delegation was met at the station/ 4)The article was translated into Russian. 5)He is wanted on the pfone. 6)The rules will be


Ответ дал: arenda3125

Отрицательная форма:

1 Houses aren't built very quickly now.

2 This work will not be finished tomorrow.

3 The delegation wasn't met at the station.

4 The article wasn't translated into Russian.

5 He isn't wanted on the phone (pfone???)

6 The rules will not be.

Вопросительная форма:

1 Are houses built very quickly now?

2 Will this work be finished tomorrow?

3 Was the delegation met at the station?

4 Was the article translared into Russian?

5 Is he wanted on the phone?

6 Will the rules?

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