2 задания решите срочно 15 баллов​



Ответ дал: 260519kz888


Ex 1.

1) I am going to move to London.

2) I am going to fly to the Moon.

3) I am going to marry at 25.

4) We are going to have three kids.

5) My wife is going to become a famous actress.

6) My wife and children are going to travel all over the world.

7) We are going to eat in restaurants every day.

8) I am going to open a flying school in England.


Ex 2.

1) We are going to live forever.

2) Who is going to look after your son?

3) She is going to read more this year.

4) Are you going to coming back?

5) I'm not going to pray before I do it.

6) What are they going to research?

7) Look! He is going to swimming!

anatolijanigilator: на 8 где ответ и на 2 задние
260519kz888: Ты сказал 2 задание.
anatolijanigilator: я сказал 2 задания
anatolijanigilator: типо 2 задания делать, а не 2 только
260519kz888: Окей, щас сделаю.
260519kz888: Все сделал, думаю поставишь 5.
anatolijanigilator: конечно
anatolijanigilator: все поставил, спасибо
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