1. Раскройте скобки, соединив существительные с помощью конструкции притяжательного падежа.

ПРИМЕР. Show me (timetable, Kathy). = Show me Kathy’s timetable.

1. Where is (album, Richard and ANN)?

2. Is (Tom, school) far from his house?

3. Do you know (house, address)?

4. What are (names, their children)?

5. Is ( your mother, car) new?

6. (parrot, Kathy) is smart and funny.

7. (room, window) is big


Ответ дал: Denis9111


1 Where is Richard and Anns' album?

2 Is Tom's school far from his house?

3 Do you know the address of the house?

4 What are their children's names?

5 Is your mother's car new?

6 Kathy's parrot is smart and funny.

7 The window of the room is big.

krutyyeznaniya: респект
Denis9111: you're welcome
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