Помогите пожалуйста это очень срочно, заранее спасибо

Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы составить предложения:
1. used – we – France – in – to – live
2. getting – I’m – to – here – living – now – used
3. gym – get – I’ll – to – used – to – going – the – soon
4. hair – blonde – she – have – to – used
5. neighbor – I’m – used – not – my – to – new
6. quickly – they – countryside – used to – got – in – to – the – living – very
7. used to – Mel – home – work – walking – from – is
8. can’t – Sam – divorce – used to – living – after – get – alone


Ответ дал: Nyuto444ka

1. We used to live in France.

2. I'm getting used to living here now.

3. I'll get used to going to the gym soon.

4. She used to have blonde hair.

5. I'm not used to my new neighbour.

6. They got used to living in the countryside very quickly.

7. Mel is used to walking home from work.

8. Sam can't get used to living alone after divorce.

didodsls: Тут все точно правильно?
Nyuto444ka: да, но в 6 либо я ошиблась либо лишняя частичка to получается.
didodsls: Ладно, спасибо большое
Ответ дал: Katerina13072008


1. We used to live in France.

I'm getting used to living here now.

I'll get used to going to the gym soon.

She used to have blonde hair.

I'm not used to my new neighbour.

They got used to living in the countryside very quickly.

Mel is used to walking home from work.

Sam can't get used to living alone after divorce.

Вроде бы так))

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