Запиши предложения, заменяя модальный глагол "can/could" структурой "to be able to".
1)I can go to Novosibirsk next week
2)People can't know everything
3)You can believe her words
4)He could swim when he was eight
5)I can't speak Italian


Ответ дал: timurkaundertalee

Відповідь: 1) I to was able to go to Novosibirsk next week

2) People to weren’t able to know everything

3) You believe to be able her words

4) He swim when he to was able to eight

5) I to wasn’t able to speak Italian

Пояснення: be может быть was (одинина) и were (множина)

Ответ дал: Barabariska

1) I am able to go to Novosibirsk next week.

2)People aren't able to know everything.

3) You are able to believe her words.

4)He was able to swim when he was eight.

5) I am not able to speak Italian

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