• Предмет: Математика
  • Автор: capkoangelina72
  • Вопрос задан 6 лет назад

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E.g. Brian lives next door to Ted and Mike. When Ted bought a big car, Brian went out and bought a bigger one! And Mike got the

biggest! Брайан живёт по соседству с Тэдом и Майк. Когда Тэд купил большую машину, Брайан пошел и купил машину

больше чем его машина! А Майк купил себе самую большую!

1. Ted decided to buy an expensive computer. So Brian had to go out and buy a

______________ (expensive) computer. And Mike got the ____________(expensive) !

But why?

2. They work in the same office. Brian works ___________ (hard) than Mike.

3. Ted gets on ___________ (good) with the boss. But Mike is the ___________.

4. Although they are all clever, Mike is the ___________________ (lucky)!

5. And as a result he is the _______________ (happy)! Помогите очень нужно, пожалуйста!! ​

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