1. Mark usually …tea for breakfast.

a) drinks b) drink c) is drinking

2. They often … to the park.

a) are going b) goes c) go

3. Mary … Cola now.

a) buy b) is buying c) buys

4. Ben … the dog yesterday evening.

a) walked b) is walking c) walks

5. We … our grandparents every Sunday.

a) visit b) visits c) are visiting

6. He … to school yesterday.

a) do not go b) did not go c) does not go

7. My granny… me many books two years ago.

a) give b) is giving c) gave

8. Тоday is Friday. Yesterday was … .

a) Saturday b) Tuesday c) Thursday

9.Who is … school?

a) on b) at c) in

10. К какой теме относятся следующие слова: a sweet, a cake, bread, cucumber?

a) family b) clothes с) food

11. Выберите правильный перевод: nine hundred and eighty-four

a) 984 b) 894 c) 994

12. … any milk in the glass?

a) there is b) is there c) are there d) there are

13.Can you help me?

a)Yes, I can. b) Yes, I am. c) No, I do not.

14.There are not … pens in the box.

a) any b) some c) no

15.I have breakfast … o`clock in the morning.

a) in b) on c) at


Ответ дал: nozimaabdullayeva

Ответ: 1. A

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. A

6. B

7. C

8. C

9. C

10. C

11. A

12. C

13. A

14. A

15. C


savelijjzubov: Уверен(а)?
Ответ дал: darya17foxik


1. a

2. c

3. b

4. a

5. a

6. b

7. c

8. c

9. b

10. c

11. a

12. b

13. a

14. a

15. c

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