Постройте каждое предложение в Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple. Обратите внимание на залог (Active/Passive Voice).
1) I … ( to watch) TV.
2) The book … (to read).
3) Mary … (to sing) a song.
4) Plates … (to wash).
5) John … (not to go) to school.
6) The project … (not to do) by engineers.
7) Children … (not to paint) pictures.
8) Money … (to steal) by robbers.
9) The competition … (to win)?
10) Doctors … (to help) patients?
11) Flowers … (to sell) in the streets?
12) Cat … (to catch) a mouse?
13) Jim and Sue … (to pass) an exam.
14) Milk … (to drink) by babies.
15) The gift … (to present) on the birthday party.
16) My car … (not to find) by the police.
17) Parents … (not to buy) toys for kids.
18) Soup …(to eat) by Tom?
19) Mary and Sam … (to break) the law?


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1) I watch TV.

I watched TV.

I will watch TV.

2) The book is read.

The book was read.

The book will be read.

3) Mary sings a song.

Mary sang a song.

Mary will sing a song.

4) Plates are washed.

Plates were washed.

Plates will be washed.

5) John does not go to school.

John did not go to school.

John will not go to school.

6) The project is not done by engineers.

The project was not done by engineers.

The project will not be done by engineers.

7) Children do not paint pictures.

Children did not paint pictures.

Children will not paint pictures.

8) Money is stolen by robbers.

Money was stolen by robbers.

Money will be stolen by robbers.

9) Is the competition won?

Was the competition won?

Will the competition be won?

10) Do doctors help patients?

Did doctors help patients?

Will doctors help patients?

11) Are flowers sold in the streets?

Were flowers sold in the streets?

Will flowers be sold in the streets?

12) Does a cat catch a mouse?

Did a cat catch a mouse?

Will a cat catch a mouse?

13) Jim and Sue pass an exam.

Jim and Sue passed an exam.

Jim and Sue will pass an exam.

14) Milk is drunk by babies.

Milk was drunk by babies.

Milk will be drunk by babies.

15) The gift is presented on the birthday party.

The gift was presented on the birthday party.

The gift will be presented on the birthday party.

16) My car is not found by the police.

My car was not found by the police.

My car will not be found by the police.

17) Parents do not buy toys for kids.

Parents did not buy toys for kids.

Parents will not buy toys for kids.

18) Is soup eatten by Tom?

Was soup eatten by Tom?

Will soup be eatten by Tom?

19) Do Mary and Sam break the law?

Did Mary and Sam break the law?

Will Mary and Sam break the law?

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