ДАЮ ОЧЕНЬ МНОГО БАЛЛОВ!!!!!!!!!!!! МОЖНО КАК МОЖНО БЫСТРЕЕ???????Rewrite the following sentences using 'unless' in place of 'If.....not'
1. Put ‘unless’ in place of 'if '.
2. Remove 'do not, does not, not'.
3. Add s/es to the verb if you remove ‘does not’.
4. Write remaining sentence.

e.g. If the cart is not ready, we will go on foot.
Unless the cart is ready, we will go on foot.

1. If you do not water the plants, they will not grow.
2. Sam normally comes on time if his train is not late.
3. If we don't hurry, we will be late for the show.
4. If you do not work hard, you will not pass.
5. You will be sick if you don't stop eating.
6. I won’t forgive him if he doesn’t apologize to me.
7. They will go to picnic if it isn’t cold tomorrow.
8. You can’t travel to Germany if you don’t have visa.
9. I get very hungry at work if I don’t have breakfast in the morning.
10. You can’t graduate from school if you don’t pass the final exams.
11. If you’re not tired, let’s go for a walk.
12. If she doesn’t work hard, she won’t get a promotion.
13. Don’t sign the document if you don’t read it carefully.
14. He mustn’t drive if he doesn’t have a driver’s license.
15. We will miss the train if we do not start now.


Ответ дал: also42241Alexa


1. Unless you water the plants, they will not grow

2. Unless Sam's train is late he comes on time

3. Unless we hurry, we will be late for school

4. Unless you work hard, you won`t pass

5. Unless you stop eating, you'll be sick

6. Unless he apologize to me, i won't forgive him

7. Unless it is cold tomorrow, they'll go to picnic

8. Unless you have visa, you can not travel to Germany

9. Unless i have breakfast in the morning, i get very hungry

10. Unless you pass the exams, you can't graduate from school

11. Unless you're tired, let's go for a walk

12. Unless she works hard, she won't get a promotion

13. Unless you read the document carefully, do not sign it

14. Unless he have a driver's license, he must not drive

15. Unless we start now, we will miss the train.

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