Помогите пожалуйста!!! Даю 10 баллов!!!!!
Dear Pen Friend, My name ( A1) Mike Robinson. I (A2) from Bodmin. It's the town of Cornwall. It (A3) half an hour to get to the ocean from our place by car. We often (A4) there in the summer. I like swimming very much. I like football, too. We (A5) football at school. It’s a pity the field is rather small. Bodmin is on the hills and it’s difficult to find a place for the field. I have already (A6) to London. I have (A7) the Tower of London, St Paul’s Cathedral, Trafalgar Square and other interesting places. I have (A8) a lot about the history of London. Have you ever been to London? My favourite food is fish. My father (A9) a job in the bank. He says that in Australia there are a lot of people from Cornwall. They (A10) to Australia many years ago. Write soon! Best wishes, Mike.

МатематикРусич: Choose the correct answer.
A1. 1) am 2) is 3) are
A2. 1) am 2) is 3) are
A3. 1) take 2) takes 3) took
A4. 1 )go 2) goes 3)went
A5. 1) play 2) plays) 3) played
A6. 1) be 2) was 3) been
A7. 1) see 2 )saw 3) seen
A8. 1) learn 2) learns 3) learnt
A9. 1) have 2) has 3) had
A10. 1) go 2) went 3) gone

2. Ответь на вопросы
1. Where does Mike Robinson live?
2. How long does it take to get from Mike's place to the ocean?
3. What sport does he like?
4. Has Mike already been in London?
5. Where does Mike's father work?
МатематикРусич: 4. Выбери правильный вариант
1. I (am / is) going to be a model.
2. She (are / is) going to help people.
3. We (am / are) going to write stories.
4. He (is / am) going to be a sportsman.
5. They ( is / are) going to sing.

5. Переведи предложения
1. Я собираюсь стать актером.
2. Она не собирается быть учителем.
3. Они собираются посетить музей.
4. Вы собираетесь танцевать?
5. Он собирается стать спортсменом.


Ответ дал: riglest


Dear Pen Friend, My name IS Mike Robinson. I AM from Bodmin. It's the town of Cornwall. It IS half an hour to get to the ocean from our place by car. We often COME there in the summer. I like swimming very much. I like football, too. We PLAY football at school. It’s a pity the field is rather small. Bodmin is on the hills and it’s difficult to find a place for the field. I have already BEEN to London. I have SEEN the Tower of London, St Paul’s Cathedral, Trafalgar Square and other interesting places. I have HEARD a lot about the history of London. Have you ever been to London? My favourite food is fish. My father HAS a job in the bank. He says that in Australia there are a lot of people from Cornwall. They MOVED to Australia many years ago. Write soon! Best wishes, Mike


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