Заполните пропуски 1-10 словами, обозначенными буквами a-l. Два слова в этом списке лишние.
Saint Petersburg is the second largest (1) _____ in Russia and one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It was (2) _____ in 1703 by Peter the Great as the window to Europe.
In 1712 Saint Petersburg became (3) _______. Buildings are (4) _____ with gray and rose-colored granite.
There are a lot of museums in Saint Petersburg. The Hermitage,for example, (5) ________ the richest collection of pictures and pieces of applied art in the world.
In the city there are a lot of (6) ________ , (7) __________, (8) _________ representing different religions groups: Othodox, Roman Catholic, Lutheran Churches, Moslem Mosques, Synagogues and a Buddhist Temple as well.
People all over (9) ______ know that far north in Russia is the city of Saint Petersburg. Many of those who once visited the city liked it and want to be there (10) _______.

a) again
b) house
c) city
d) masters
e) the world
f) founded
g) cathedrals
h) the capital
i) mosques
j) decorated
k) ancient
l) churches


Ответ дал: Nikitapofig



Read the box, then fill in the correct form of the words in bold.


Forming nouns from adjectives We can use these suffixes to form nouns from adjectives:

-ance      arrogant arrogance

-cy          urgent - urgency

-ence      different - difference

-ness       gentle - gentleness

-ity          sane - sanity


1      There is no need for...............                 SECRET

between best friends.

2      The teacher explained the

........... of recycling to the                              IMPORTANT


3      Thank you for all your.........                       KIND

during my stay.

4       You need a lot of............ to                   PATIENT

work with children.

5       We have installed a..............                 SECURE

system at our house.

6       Physical.......... is important                    ACTIVE

to stay fit and healthy.

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