1. Read and match the right answers. (Прочитай и сопоставь правильные ответы. )

1)Jump on a river bus
and see the famous places
of London as you go.
2)The big red London buses are quick and easy.
3)See this beautiful
city on foot.
4)London's underground
trains are usually quicker
and easier than the buses.
5)Do you like cycling?

a)Do you want to see London
at night? Then go by bus! Some buses drive 24 hours
every day.
b) And did you know? It's
the oldest underground in the world.
c) Then walk in one of London's
parks and have a quiet afternoon.
d) You can catch the boat at
many different places in the city.
e) You can find bikes in many
places in the city. They are great fun.


Ответ дал: alexvor1

1 - d

2 - a

3 - c

4 - b

5 - e

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