1. Group the words into two columns.
badly, carefully, lonely, lively, usually, friendly, lately, lovely, quickly, energetically


3. Match the sports and the places.
1. ice hockey
3. swimming
4. skiing
5. athletics a) pool
b) stadium
c) mountains
d) court
e) gym

4. Complete each sentence with one of the words below.
bad, tongue, ill, nose, temperature, medicine, cough, runny, flu, bed

Doctor: Well, what’s the matter with you?
John: Oh, doctor. I’m very 1) … .
Doctor: Then show me your 2) … . Have you taken your 3) … ? What is it?
John: Doctor! It’s 38.3, and I feel 4) …, I have got a 5) … and a 6) … 7) … .
Doctor: Well, I think you have got 8) … . Take 9) … and stay in 10) … .
John: Goodbye, doctor. Thanks a lot.
Doctor: Be healthy.


Ответ дал: Vic94


1.badly  adverb,  carefully  adverb,  lonely  adjectives,  lively  adjectives,  usually   adverb,  friendly  adjectives, lately adverb, lovely  adjectives, quickly adverb, energetically adverb

3. 1-b, 2-d,  3-a,  4-c,  5- e  

4. 1ill,  2tongue,  3temperature,  4bad,  5cough,  6 nose,  7 runny,  8 flu,  9 medicine,  10 bed  


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