Мне надо написать лист для друга про привычке в еде по английскому памагите падалуста буду очень рад


Ответ дал: DcWho

Hi Josh. Recently, I noticed that we have become more located in the CFS. After several trips there, each time I ordered more and more chicken wings. I think I began to eat too much fatty foods and at home. Listen, I already can’t stand the sweet at all, I need more chicken wings! I think it’s time for me to take a break and not go to the CFS with you. (прошу вас, переведите это в  переводчике, если вам понравится, уже тогда можете это записывать в тетрадь, или еще куда то)

Ответ дал: marina0783
Hi, David
How are you? I hope well! Today I would like to talk to you about food. I really like fast food, but I know it’s unhealthy and I don’t know how to stop eating it. Also I like sweets, but there also unhealthy! But I really like carrot! You know that carrot is very healthy for your eyes!
I would like to read about your food habits
With love
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