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Moscow Zoo
1. Tigers, monkeys, snakes and fish in the centre of the Russian capital! These animals all live in the Moscow Zoo, one of the largest in the world. It is the home for over 7000 different kinds of animals. The zoo also has got many exotic animals and birds. Get a map to make sure you see everything.

2. First, visit the Animal Island. There you can see the Amur Tigers, the white snow leopard, the Himalaya bears, the Asian lions and even an Australian emu. There you can also see colourful fish in large aquariums.Don’t miss the Night World exhibition too. This is a great chance for you to see the night animals.

3. All the young visitors must see the Children’s Zoo. Children can see the heroes of fairy-tales: the three piglets, the wolf and seven young goats and many other animals. There are also cafés and picnic areas. Kids can visit playgrounds. You will not forget the day in the Moscow Zoo!


Ответ дал: mariialobanova04


Moscow Zoo is one of the largest in the world, because there live more than 7000 different kinds of animals. It has got many exotic animals and birds too.

Get a map to make sure you see everything.

First, you should visit the Animal Island. In this place you can see such animals as the Amur Tigers, the white snow leopard, the Himalaya bears, the Asian lions and even an Australian emu. If you want to see night animals, then don't miss the Night World exhibition.

The Moscow Zoo has Children's Zoo for young visitors.Children can see the heroes of fairy-tales: the three piglets, the wolf and seven young goats and many other animals. This place has got cafés and picnic areas. Or kids can visit playgrounds.

You will not forget the day in the Moscow Zoo!

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