15. Fill in the blanks using correct tenses to complete two stories about people’s lives.
1) Ann 1)____(move) out of her parents’ house three years before her father 2)____(decide)
to sell it. However, when she 3) ____(learn) about her father’s decision, she 4)____(feel) sad.
Nevertheless, she understood that her parents 5)____(get) older and that they 6)____(not/need)
such a big house any more.
2) When I 7)____(be) a little boy, I 8)____(have) a dog, which I 9)____(find) on the street.
We 10)____(go) for long walks every day. Once, when we 11)____(walk) back home, a man
12)____(approach) me and 13)____(try) to mug me. My dog 14)____(bite) him in the bottom
and the man 15)____(start) running away. As he 16)____(run), my dog 17)____(bark) at him. помогите

danilgorbasev27: спасибо


Ответ дал: vadiksam19

Ответ:1)moved 2)He has made a decision 3)recognized 4)afflicted 5)become older 6)did not need 7)was 8)had 9)found 10)went 11)walked 12)came closer 13)tried to 14)bit 15)started 16)   was running 17)barked


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