Match the columns:

1) This material is rigid
a) you can easily break it

2) This material is brittle
b) it’s rust-resistant

3) This material is light
c) you can scratch it

4) This material doesn’t corrode
d) you can carry it

5) This material isn’t tough
e) you can’t bend it

6) This material isn’t fragile
f) it allows electrical current to pass through

7) This material is conductive g) you may drop it​


Ответ дал: MaryAbel


1) This material is rigid

e) you can’t bend it

2) This material is brittle

a) you can easily break it

3) This material is light

d) you can carry it

4) This material doesn’t corrode

b) it’s rust-resistant

5) This material isn’t tough

c) you can scratch it

6) This material isn’t fragile

g) you may drop it​

7) This material is conductive

f) it allows electrical current to pass through

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