2. Oh, it’s too …! I should leave.(late, lately) 3. It takes me … 40 minutes to get to the swimming pool. (near, nearly) 4. The athlete can jump very …. (high, highly) 5. Look! The young sportsman is swimming very (quick, quickly) 6. The girl was … at jumping and running. (good, well) 7. What’s the matter with you? – I feel … .(bad, badly) 8. 2. Is the sound loud enough or shall I make it (loud, loudly 9. He felt (angry, angrily). 10. I got (happy, happily).10. I got (happy, happily).


Ответ дал: kaisarakimzhan


1) Late

2) Nearly

3) High

4) quickly

5) good

6) bad

7) loud (хотя больше подошёл бы louder)

8) angry


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