Ask questions to the underlined parts of the following sentences.
1.It is raining (heavily) outside.
2.( They are trying) to translate (this exercise).
3. He is drinking( tea in the garden).
4.Cinema audiences( are declining) now.
5.( She’s )listening to the( rock music).
6. You are trying (to persuade him), but he won’t listen.
7. (They’ve moved to a new house) and (are buying new furniture.)
8. You are constantly mispronouncing this word, (because you’re inattentive.)
9. (None of them )is taking part in the discussion:( they are not ready.)
10. Ellen is reading (a book on the veranda.)
11. No one is trying to help him:( he doesn’t like it).


Ответ дал: alekcandramihailova8


1.Какой?(Which one?)

2.Что делают?(What do they do?)


4.что делает?(what does it do?)


6.что сделать?(what to do?)

7.Кто?что сделали?куда?(who?what?What did you do?Where?)

Может текстом отправить?Просто не понятно

alekcandramihailova8: what?where?
alekcandramihailova8: 11.кому?что делает?to whom?what does it do?
alekcandramihailova8: всё вроде
alekcandramihailova8: надеюсь правильно
dalchinov1234596: можеж текстом ?
alekcandramihailova8: конечно
alekcandramihailova8: сделала но не могу сюда отправить
alekcandramihailova8: задай вопрос ещё раз
dalchinov1234596: ок
dalchinov1234596: задал
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