Write the Russian equivalents of the following words:

1. household –

2. to compete –

3. native speaker –

4. an exception –

5. attractive –

6. over twenty –

7. patronimic –

8. step brother –

9. flute –

10. impressive –

11. clippers –

12. to trim –

13. solution –

14. barrister –

15. matron –

16. clip –

17. teasing –

18. hairpiece –

19. curlingirons –

20. to keep records of products and services –

21. flaw –

22. medical aids –

23. to apply –


Ответ дал: kkd8best


1. household - домашнее хозяйство

2. to complete - выполнить

3. native speaker - носитель языка

4. an exeption - исключение

5. attractive - привлекательный, притягательный

6. over twenty - более двадцати

7. patronimic - патронимиц

8. step-brother - сводный брат

9. flute - флейта


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