Пожалуйста, Помогите поставить слова в нужном времени. !Срочно нужно!
1. What _____________________ (your children / do) every day after school?
2. Recently, I _____________________ (use) social media less and I actually feel better for it.
3. I _____________________ (be) the best student in my class for six months now.
4. I can see Amy _____________________ (not / play) football with the others now. Is she tired?
5. Every so often our Maths teacher _____________________ (have) a really great idea.
6. Where _____________________ (you / go), Walter? We still have work to do here. Sit down, please.
7. What _____________________ (Sam / do) all this time? He looks really tired.
8. The password on the school computer _____________________ (change). I can’t log in now


Ответ дал: Eveflytiger
1) are your children doing
3)am или was , не знаю
4)not playing
6)are you going
7)are sam doing
8) changed
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