помогите пожалуйста. срочно нужно

The Present Continuous Tense

Составьте предложения указанного типа (утвердительное, отрицатель-
ное, вопросительное).

1. is for you Somebody downstairs waiting (+)

2. children board playing a Are these game (?)

3. is Tom week staying Where this (?)

4. a sandcastle Polly building and Rita aren't now (-)

5. is something tasty Granny cooking in the kitchen (+)

6. are The to the pupils museum with going the teacher (+)

7. parents the doing Helen's shopping Are today (?)

8. brother flying a kite is in the park your now (?)​


Ответ дал: Rena747



1Somebody is waiting for you downstairs.

2 Are these children playing a board game?

3 Where is Tom staying this week?

4 Polly and Rita aren't building a sandcastle now.

5 Granny is cooking something tasty in the kitchen.

6 The pupils are going with the teacher to the museum.

7 Are the Helen's parents doing shopping today?

eva25444: спасибо)))
Rena747: 8забыл
eva25444: ничего
Вас заинтересует