Помогите пожалуйста ! очень срочно надо !
Задание 1.Заполнить пропуски глаголом to be
1. The bag … in the desk.
2. We … in the park.
3. The car … in the street.
4. I … in the bus.
5. The girl … in the garden.
6. The tree … green.
7. I … a little girl.
8. It … a big book.
9. 6. I … a student.
10. 7. Who … in the room? I … .
11. Who … on the sofa? The cat … .
12. Where … the children? They … at school.


Ответ дал: milas3333


1. The bag is in the desk.

2. We are in the park.

3. The car is in the street.

4. I am in the bus.

5. The girl is in the garden.

6. The tree is green.

7. I am a little girl.

8. It is a big book.

9. I am a student.

10. . Who is in the room? I am.

11. Who is on the sofa? The cat is .

12. Where are the children? They are at school.

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