Завершите следующие предложения, используя "could" или "was/were able to".
1. He asked me to lend him $ 10. I hadn't got $ 10, but I___lend him $ 5, and he was grateful.
2. The fishing boat sank, but fortunately the fisherman___swim to the shore.
3. The woman ____describe the pickpocket to the police; she told them he was a thin little man, wearing a dirty raincoat.
4. It was a fine day yesterday, so we____have a picnic, and we enjoyed it very much.
5. He suddenly felt ill, but he____finish his speech, although at the end he could hardly stand.
6. He spoke very little French when he left school, but he_____understand the language.
7. I got to the station at 9.50 a.m. and____catch the 9.55 a.m. train. I was very pleased I didn't have to wait for the next train.
8. The sick man had a restless night, but he____sleep for an hour or two.
9. She_____visit her friends every morning before she got married if she wanted to, but now she can't; she has too much to do in the house.
10. The town was full of visitors, and we didn't know where we would spend the night, but at last we_____find two vacant rooms in a small hotel.
11. Before his illness, he_____work fourteen hours a day if he had to.
12. He was very strong; he____ski all day and dance all night.
13. I was a long way from the stage. I_____see all right but I____not hear very well.
14. We____borrow umbrellas; so we didn't get wet.
15. I knew the town so I____advise him where to go.
16. When the garage had repaired our car we_____continue our journey.
17. When I arrived everyone was asleep. Fortunately I_____wake my sister and she let me in.
18. The swimmer was very tired but he_____reach the shore before he collapsed.


Ответ дал: lemon22845


1. could

2. was able to

3. could

4. could

5. was able to

6. could

7. could

8. was able to

9. could

10. could

11. was able to

12. could

13. could/couldn't

14. could

15. could

16. were able to

17. could

18. was able to

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