Choose the correct answer
3) Tom had been sleeping for two hours before his parents came home.
a ) slept b) was sleeping c) had slept d) had been sleeping
4) Kate _____ the TV off and went to bed.
a) switched b) was switching c)had switched d)had been switching
5) This time yesterday, we __football match between “Rubin” and “Liverpool”
a) watched b) were watching c)had watched d)had been watching
6 ) I_____ to the gym at 7 o’clock.
a) went b) had gone c) was going d) had been going


Ответ дал: Bloorysnake

4) switched — последовательность действий в прошлом

5) were watching — указание на опре­делённый период в прошлом

6) went — указание на время в прошлом.

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