Paraphrase: Перефразируйте:
Пример: They think that Steve is the person who is guilty. - Steve is thought to be the person who is guilty.
1) They consider that you are the most fashionable girl in our class.
2) People think that the English are polite.
3) They suppose that Tony is an excellent doctor.
4) People believe that the British are intellectual.
5) Everyone knows that Kate is hard-working.

fanfer: спасибо
KathyGFD: Не за что))
KathyGFD: А вот интересно, тройки ставят люди, которые считают это не самой сложной темой уровня upper-intermediate???
KathyGFD: Это не к автору вопроса. Рада помочь))


Ответ дал: KathyGFD

1 You are considered to be the most fashionable girl in our class.

2 The English are thought to be polite.

3 Tony is supposed to be an excellent doctor.

4 The British are believed to be intellectual.

5 Kate is known to be hard-working.

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