Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
1.- My mom is _______________ woman in the world. (beautiful)
2. My sister is _____________ my brother. (intelligent)
3.- The blue whale is ____________ animal. (big)
4.- Iceland is ___________ Spain (cold)
5.- This is ___________ book I’ve ever read. (good)
6.- My neighbour is _________ person I know (lucky)
7.- Friday is the __________ day of the week. (busy)
8.- These trainers are much ____________ those. (cheap)
9.- English is __________ Japanese. (easy)​


Ответ дал: asamisato73
1)most beautiful
2)more intelligent than
3)the biggest
4)colder than
5)the best
6)the luckiest
8)cheaper than
9)easier than

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