Разкрыть скобки, помогите пожалуйста.
1. He is (tall) then me.
2. My granny ( to bake) a cake now.
3. Painting ( to be) my hobby.
4. Tanya is (good) pupil in our class.
5. Ukraine ( to wash) by the seas.
6. I ( to wait) for you at 3 o'clock tomorrow.​


Ответ дал: pstlyongs
1. taller than
2. is baking
3. is
4.the best
5. is washed(?)
6. waited

nastya0002164: спасибо большое!
pstlyongs: 6. *will wait
прости, не дочитала до конца:(
nastya0002164: всё равно спасибо)
Ответ дал: KrutayaAysu


1. He is taller than me.

2. My granny is baking a cake now.

3. Painting is my hobby.

4. Tanya is the best pupil in our class.

5. Ukraine is washed by the seas.

6. I will wait for you at 3 o'clock tomorrow.

nastya0002164: спасибо больше
KrutayaAysu: не за что
KrutayaAysu: рада помочь
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