составьте 5 утвердительных предложений о себе и своей семье на англ напишите эти же предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной форме


Ответ дал: LeoGreen2020

1 I am a sociable person.

Am I a sociable person?

I'm not a sociable person.

2 We always get together on Sundays.

Do we always get together on Sundays?

We don't always get together on Sundays.

3 We are a united family.

Are we a united family?

We aren't a united family.

4 We visited my aunt last week.

Did we visit my aunt last week?

We didn't visit my aunt last week.

5 We are preparing for my uncle's birthday now.

Are we preparing for his birthday now?

We aren't preparing for his birthday now.

Ответ дал: djangoo97


  1. My mum goes to the shop.
  2. I like to read the books.
  3. My dad works at a garage.
  4. My sister goes to school.
  5. My grandparents have got a dog.
  1. Does your mum go to the shop?
  2. Do you like to read books?
  3. Does your dad work at a garage?
  4. Does your sister go to school?
  5. Do your grandparents have got a dog?
  1. My mum doesn't go to the shop.
  2. I don't like to read the books.
  3. My dad doesn't work at a garage.
  4. My sister doesn't go to school.
  5. My grandparents haven't got a dog.
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