177, Исправь ошибки. .
1. My mother was cooking and I played.
2. My friends were written and I was reading.
3. Long time ago people were living in caves.
4. What did you do at 5 o'clock yesterday?
5. I watched an interesting film at that time.
6. The lesson beginning.
7. Mike went to the cinema when he met Helen.
B. Kate was ranning when we saw her.


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. My mother was cooking and I was playing.

2. My friends were writing and I was reading.

3. Long time ago people lived in caves.

4. What were you doing at 5 o'clock yesterday?

5. I was watching an interesting film at that time.

6. The lesson began.

7. Mike was going to the cinema when he met Helen.

B. Kate was running when we saw her.

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