Complete the sentences with the appropriate modal auxiliaries.
1)Everybody (should/may) be over 18 to get into this night club.
2)I (must/had to) borrow my friend's car because mine broke down yesterday.
3)My son (didn't need to/could) swim so fast when he was young.
4)I think, you (might/should) take an aspirin if your headache is getting worse.
5)We have enough people today, so we (can/have to) play some football.​


Ответ дал: council1975


1) Everybody (should/may) be over 18 to get into this night club.

2) I (must/had to) borrow my friend's car because mine broke down yesterday.

3) My son (didn't need to/could) swim so fast when he was young.

4) I think, you (might/should) take aspirin if your headache is getting worse.

5) We have enough people today, so we (can/have to) play some football.​


Аноним: Здравствуйте, вы не могли бы вы мне помочь с английским пожалуйстасрочнооо помогите пожалуйста умоляю ​
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