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Match the words 1–13 with the explanations A–M. The example is given. Example: 12 –M. 1. advanced 2. canteen 3. club 4. full-time course 5. hostel 6. noticeboard 7. part-time course 8. reading list 9. rent 10. sports centre 11. student card 12. university term 13. welfare office A. a place where students can go for general help and advice B .money paid to your landlord C. something you can use to prove that you are a student D. a place to eat E. a group who join together for a leisure activity F. studying for a few hours every week G. studying all day, from Monday to Friday H. a place for students to live cheaply I. the books that students must read for their course J. where you can play volleyball, do gymnastics . K. where people put posters and other information L L. a word to describe students who know a lot about their subject M. part of the students' year


Ответ дал: evgeniasapronenko


1l 2d 3e 4g 5h 6a 7f 8i 9b 10j 11c 12m        


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