помогите пж!!!!!!!

Complete the following sentences :
1. If only she could wait a minute ......
2. If the wanted to know ...........
3. ............. if the thought more about it .
4. ............. if he coul .
5. ..............if he told her he missed her .
6. If he drank coffee ...........................
7. If you should meet him ..................
8. ...................if you had more time ?
9. ............... If he were you ?
10. If i were you ....................


Ответ дал: vikasnapewesley


А какие нужно слова вставить?

iaiulia: любые, главное чтобы они были как в conditional sentences
Ответ дал: felix2450
Везде будет would. Так как это second conditional. После would идёт infinitive (слова не меняются)
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