ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА Complete with: whispered, achieved, respected, starved, dug. ..... in the ground to search 1 They for buried treasure. 2 She .. ........ her goal and became the richest woman in the country. 3 If we hadn't fed the cats last winter, they would have ...... 4 The children ...... quietly to each other because their father was sleeping. 5 Asan Kaigy ..... ...... nature and understood the importance of looking after our world.


Ответ дал: Decoration
  1. They dug for buried treasure.
  2. She achieved her goal and became the richest woman in the country.
  3. If we hadn't fed the cats last winter, they would have starved.
  4. The children whispered quietly to each other because their father was sleeping.
  5. Asan Kaigy respected nature and understood the importance of looking after our world.​

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