
"Protect our planet"
4 - Put the sentences into the correct order.

1 - In modern society, people have begun to forget that the planet Earth is our home.

2 - The first problem is the pollution of the environment with industrial waste.

3 - To conclude, I can say that every person needs to do something to save the Earth.



Ответ дал: joseph0
1)In modern society,people have begun to forget that planet Earth is our home.
2)The first problem is the pollution of the environment with industrial waste.
3)To conclude,I can say that every person needs to do something to save the Earth.

Hellogood: 8: 1 - Paragraph 2, 2 - Example, 3 - Conclusion
Hellogood: 9: ???
joseph0: Поставишь лучший ответ пожалуйста
Hellogood: ну если появиться второй ответ, то только тогда можно поставить :>
joseph0: Хорошо
daniil0888: а что в 9?))
lilostic58: 6: 1-false 2-true 3-not given
vladavodolazova0: а что в 9???
milanakashirina2709: В 9 home, devices, habitat
hlopotnikovadara: всем спасибо
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