Underline and correct the mistakes in each sentence.
1 We didn't bought the house in the forest because it was too expensive.
buy the house.
2 I doed all my homework last night.
3 We didn't have time to walk to the concert, so we get the bus.
4 Mum taked a brilliant photo of us at the party.
5 I goed to the cinema last night to see an action flim.
6 My uncle comes to visit us last weekend.
7 I didn't did my English project yesterday - I was too tired.
8 We didn't had a party for Dad's birthday because he didn't want one. ПОМОГИТЕЕЕЕЕ​



Ответ дал: SoEun0007

2. I didn't all my homework

3. Walk of the concert

4. Mum took

5. last night to saw

6. my uncle came

7. I didn't do

8. we didn't have a party

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