Срочно даю 60 баллов!)(нужен ответ,а не перевод...) Complete the reported statements.
“I think it’s wrong to download songs without paying,” said Errol.
Errol said that he thought it was wrong to download songs without paying.
“ I can see the top of the mountain !”
He told them_______________ .
“I ran after the pickpocket but I didn’t catch him,” the boy told us.
The boy told us that he___________ after the pickpocket but that he___________ him.
“ We really enjoyed the trip”.
They told him_______________.
I’ve reported the robbery to the police,’ she said.
She said that she_________________ the robbery to the police.
“I didn’t see you last weekend ”
She told me that____________________. in​


Ответ дал: nilufarintel


He told them that he could see the top of the mountain.

The boy told us that he had run after the pickpocket but he hadn't caught him.

They told him that they had enjoyed the trip.

She said that she had reported the robbery to the police.

She told me that she hadn't seen me the previous weekend.

kakashkamashka98: спс
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