dialogue for the words there,was,were, travelled,visited, wasn't
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Ответ дал: vareniki3top


—Hi Johny!

—Hi Jenny.

—Can I ask you?

—Sure you can.

—How was your holidays?

—Oh, it was great! I traveled to China with my mom. What about yours?

—I was at home and visited my grandma 2 times. It's was cold there.

—Was it boring?

—Just a little. It was pretty good. But I have never been in China. I wanna travel to China!

—Yeah, great idea! China is really nice place.

—Okay, I'll think about it. Thank you, bye!

—Good bye!


Лучший ответ пж

21092000yr: спасиба
adiiakairgeldi: уже поздно, но спасибо
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