помогите,пожалуйста ​


1234567550: выполнить всё кроме 3.b


Ответ дал: HellishHelen


1.a cup of tea/coffee

2.a glass of lemonade/juice/mineral water

3.a loaf of bread

4.a bottle of mineral water/lemonade

5.a jar of jam/honey

6.a bowl of cereal/soup

7.a carton of milk/juice

8.a box of chocolate

9.a piece of cake/pizza

10.a slice of cheese/bread


2. I want to drink a glass of hot milk.

3. There are two jars of jam on the table.

4. I would like a cup of tea, please.

5. Mirbek ate five pieces of pizza.

6. The carton of milk is in the fridge.


2. 5 glasses of juice

3. 3 loaves of bread

4. 10 bottles of lemonade

5. 8 jars of honey

6. 9 bowls of soup

7. 4 cartons of juice

8. 7 boxes of chocolate

9. 6 pieces of pizza

10. 5 slices of cheese

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