Упражнение3. Поставьте к следующим предложениям специальные и альтернативные вопросы.
Example:1) He is from England.
What country is he from?
Is he from England or Scotland?
1. We went to the library.
2. He is a driver.
3. We were playing a game.
4. They came to this place a long time ago.


Ответ дал: vareniki3top


1) Where did you go?

Did you go to library or shop?

2) Who is he?

Is he a driver or gamer?

3) What were you doing?

Were you doing math or playing a game?

4) How much time ago did they come here?

Did they come here yesterday or a long time ago?


Если что-то неправильно просто удалите не надо ругаться пожалуйста

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