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Ответ дал: nastyaaaaaaaaa5

I'd like to go to Australia. I really like this country because it is very exotic. There are many unusual animals and plants which you can meet only in Australia. The climate is hot. Sidney is the capital of Australia and it is famous worldwide for it's opera. The nature is actually impressive. I'd like to go to the beach and surf.


Я бы хотела поехать в Австралию. Я действительно люблю эту страну, потому что она очень экзотичная. Там есть много необычных животных и растений, которых вы можете встретить только в Австралии. Климат жаркий. Сидней - это столица Австралии, и он знаменит по всему миру своей оперой. Природа действительно впечатляющая. Я бы хотела пойти на пляж и заняться серфингом.

2010akerke2010: I want to go to France, to the city of Paris. With family and friends. I would like to know their culture, about their national cuisine. I also want to know their style of clothing and buy different things there. Find friends and learn a little about their language. And most importantly, in Paris, I want to see their tower. I really like France and I want to know a lot about it!
Ответ дал: medinakuan8100

На английском:

My big dream is to visit the beautiful country of Australia. It is so big and there are so many interesting places that I would go for at least 3 weeks. One of the main attractions in Australia is the Great Barrier Reef. I really love to observe the life of marine life, so I just need to go there.

My big dream is to visit the beautiful country of Australia. It is so big and there are so many interesting places that I would go for at least 3 weeks. One of the main attractions in Australia is the Great Barrier Reef. I really love to observe the life of marine life, so I just need to go there.Another interesting place is the Uluru rock. Imagine that in the center of the mainland you suddenly see a huge red rock. This spectacle makes an indelible impression, emotions just go wild. No wonder, for local aborigines, this rock is still a sacred place.

My big dream is to visit the beautiful country of Australia. It is so big and there are so many interesting places that I would go for at least 3 weeks. One of the main attractions in Australia is the Great Barrier Reef. I really love to observe the life of marine life, so I just need to go there.Another interesting place is the Uluru rock. Imagine that in the center of the mainland you suddenly see a huge red rock. This spectacle makes an indelible impression, emotions just go wild. No wonder, for local aborigines, this rock is still a sacred place.The largest city in Australia is Sydney, and it also has many beautiful places. This, of course, is the symbol of the country, the Opera House, the slightly less famous Harbor Bridge, the TV tower, the house of Queen Victoria and many more beautiful places. Other major cities in Australia are Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. But the capital of the state is the small city of Canberra.

My big dream is to visit the beautiful country of Australia. It is so big and there are so many interesting places that I would go for at least 3 weeks. One of the main attractions in Australia is the Great Barrier Reef. I really love to observe the life of marine life, so I just need to go there.Another interesting place is the Uluru rock. Imagine that in the center of the mainland you suddenly see a huge red rock. This spectacle makes an indelible impression, emotions just go wild. No wonder, for local aborigines, this rock is still a sacred place.The largest city in Australia is Sydney, and it also has many beautiful places. This, of course, is the symbol of the country, the Opera House, the slightly less famous Harbor Bridge, the TV tower, the house of Queen Victoria and many more beautiful places. Other major cities in Australia are Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. But the capital of the state is the small city of Canberra.In addition to various natural and man-made attractions, I also want to see the incredibly rich fauna of the country. First, of course, I want to see a kangaroo. In addition, I would love to see animals such as echidna, koala, platypus, dingo and others. I would like to see birds such as cockatoo and emu. All of them are desirable to see in the wild, although you can go to the excellent Taronga Zoo in Sydney.

My big dream is to visit the beautiful country of Australia. It is so big and there are so many interesting places that I would go for at least 3 weeks. One of the main attractions in Australia is the Great Barrier Reef. I really love to observe the life of marine life, so I just need to go there.Another interesting place is the Uluru rock. Imagine that in the center of the mainland you suddenly see a huge red rock. This spectacle makes an indelible impression, emotions just go wild. No wonder, for local aborigines, this rock is still a sacred place.The largest city in Australia is Sydney, and it also has many beautiful places. This, of course, is the symbol of the country, the Opera House, the slightly less famous Harbor Bridge, the TV tower, the house of Queen Victoria and many more beautiful places. Other major cities in Australia are Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. But the capital of the state is the small city of Canberra.In addition to various natural and man-made attractions, I also want to see the incredibly rich fauna of the country. First, of course, I want to see a kangaroo. In addition, I would love to see animals such as echidna, koala, platypus, dingo and others. I would like to see birds such as cockatoo and emu. All of them are desirable to see in the wild, although you can go to the excellent Taronga Zoo in Sydney.Because of all this, I want to go to travel to Australia!

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