Use the right degree of comparison of the words in brackets to complete the sentences.

Exercise I

1    The most _______________ (successful) brand in the world is Coca-Cola.

2    Paris has the ______________ (big) number of talented designers.

3    It’s ______________ (easy) to use the lift than the stairs.

4    Flying is _______________ (cheap) than it was twenty years ago.

5    Money isn’t as ______________ (important) as happiness.


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1 successful

2 biggest

3 easier

4 cheaper

5 important

Аноним: Помогите пожалуйста срочно https://znanija.com/task/42910707
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slyuda1955: Ответила уже
indezzid: а,солнышко, спасибо❤
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