помагите английский пж​


007nechaev: Какие именно задания нужно сделать? Все что на фото или только некоторые?
007nechaev: Короче я написал все, которые мог
aipovaliana21: надо всё
aipovaliana21: спасибо


Ответ дал: 007nechaev


Task 1

Lucy has a cold. Her nose is blocked, she coughs a lot, and she has a sore throat. She felt line last night, but now she is very sick. Lucy wants to go home and rest, but she thinks she can't. She is a student and her essay is due today. She needs to proof read it and print it so the teacher gets this on time. Lucy's teacher is very strict. He told Lucy that the essay must be handed in on time. There are eighteen students in the class, and they are all very busy writing their essays. Hopefully, they won't catch Lucy's cold. If the other students catch colds, they might take several days off school and miss out of study.

Task 2

1. True

2. False


Task 1

Здесь я не могу написать за тебя т.к тут нужно именно написать о твоей мечте

Task 2

At second picture the boy is playing with the ball. Girl plays with ... (не могу разобрать что у неё в руке). Other boy is playing with his dog and other boy has got some baloons. They all look very happy

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